Frankfurt: 3EG


Endurance Gold Corporation (EDG - TSX.V) announces that Ginguro Exploration Inc. ("Ginguro") has recently reported preliminary results of ongoing metallurgical testing from the Pardo Property, as outlined in a Ginguro News Release dated April 19, 2010. The Endurance Pardo property is comprised of 16 claims covering approximately 33 square kilometres ("Pardo Property"). Endurance owns a 100% interest in the Pardo Property. Ginguro has an Option Agreement with Endurance whereby Ginguro can earn an initial 55% interest in the Pardo Property.

The Pardo Property, located 65 kilometres northeast of Sudbury, Ontario, is largely underlain by flat lying, Proterozoic aged conglomerates resting unconformably on Archean aged metasediments. Gold mineralization defined to date on the property is spatially associated pyritic and quartz pebble bearing portions of the conglomerates, at or proximal to the unconformity.

Ginguro reports that direct head grades of the five samples averaged 2.0 grams per tonne gold ("g/T Au"). After processing much larger samples with gravity separation and initial Carbon in Leach ("CIL") tests, a more statistically valid gold content was arrived at. Individual sample results are as follows:

Sample Location

Direct Head Grade

Calculated Gold Content

Trench 2 Pit A

3.4 g/T Au

3.5 g/T Au

Trench 2 Pit B

5.2 g/T Au

4.6 g/T Au

Northern Showing Pit

0.6 g/T Au

0.6 g/T Au

Tea Lake Pit

0.2 g/T Au

0.4 g/T Au

Line 34 Pit

0.3 g/T Au

0.6 g/T Au


2.0 g/T Au

2.0 g/T Au

Additional key findings of the test work to date are that:

  • The Gravity Separation test work achieved an average gold recovery of 41% with an average concentrate grade of 1.373 g/T.
  • Average gold recovery of 94% was achieved using standard Gravity Separation and CIL testing. Optimization of the Cyanidation testing could improve average gold recoveries to above 94%; and
  • The initial comminution (i.e., grindability) test work indicates that the ore should be of average grindability. The first Bond Ball Mill Work Index ("BWI") for the Northern Showing Pit sample was 14.

Ginguro reports that it is important to note that, while the average gold measured in the five samples remained almost at 2 g/T, and three of the five samples returned variances of less than 15%, the Line 34 and Tea Lake samples showed increases in measured gold content of 86% and 72% respectively. Ginguro reports that the head grade calculated from the assays of the test work streams (i.e. Gravity Separation concentrate, CIL concentrate, and CIL residue) indicate that the grade of the mineralized conglomerate may be higher than what is determined through direct assay of the individual surface or core samples.

Ginguro delivered five separate 500 pound samples to SGS Lakefield, representing gold mineralization typically encountered in the host conglomerates at Pardo. Field observations, as well as recent microscopic analysis, show that the gold in the Pardo conglomerates is nuggety in nature, and yields highly variable gold grades from typical grab or core samples.

The 500 pound samples were taken from pits over a widespread area, measuring approximately 5 kilometers in a north-south trend.

The direct head assays utilize two sub-samples, taken from a 2 kg charge from each of the five mineralized samples. The mineral processing tests utilize a 10 kg charge. The larger sample size allows for a more accurate account of the gold from a particular mineralized zone.

Ginguro reports that to date, the Gravity Separation (Knelson-Mosley) test work has been completed, as well as the initial set of CIL cyanidation tests. Cyanidation optimization tests are currently underway, which will be followed up by whole ore cyanidation tests. The comminution test work (BWI) has also begun.

Ginguro reports that they will be initiating field work at Pardo, led by its team of Witwatersrand geologists, in early May.

Endurance Gold Corporation has entirely relied on Ginguro for the technical content of this news release.



Robert T. Boyd

Endurance Gold Corporation
(604) 682-2707, BOD@endurancegold.com


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